The Pottery Garden
The Pottery Garden is a collection garden situated on the Cotentin peninsular in La Manche, in the heart of the Natural Park of the Marshes of Cotentin. Exposed to the influence of the sea, and protected by rolling hills, it benefits from a gentle and temperate climate allowing numerous plant species to flourish. Working principally with specialist collection plant nurseries, this garden, created in 1999 by Isabelle & Thierry is enriched each year with new plants. You can experience a shaded garden, protected by trees and composed of both endemic and specific plants (ferns, mosses, heuchera ..)
Little by little we have improved the overall area, combining flotsam with rusted metal into a stunning design. To enter into the oldest section of the garden, you pass in front of an initial humid zone surrounded by gunneras hamiltonii (the smallest of the gunneras), ferns, Ligularia… in the garden, litle walkways link multi-essence beds (euphorbias, ancient roses, polygonum scoparius, a variety of bushes, perennials, collection of sedums and Saxifraga…)
As time goes by, the available space in the garden is becoming increasingly rare, and we’re creating “pot garden” areas which we can move around as we please.
The garden is open to the public throughout the year.
We are members of the ” Parcs et Jardins de Normandie”.